Online House Valuation FAQs
What if the valuation of my property does not appear to match its current market price?
Our online house valuation service is only a guide and doesn’t take into account the current condition of the property of any improvements made since its last sale. So if you find that the online valuation of your property doesn’t match its current market value there isn’t any reason to worry.
What affects house prices?
House prices are affected by a number of factors. Including economic indicators, interest rates, the local market, location and many other factors. These constantly fluctuate so it’s important to keep an eye on the property market and the house prices in your local area
How does a free house valuation tool work?
Our free house valuation tool makes an estimate based on information available from public land registry data. House prices drop and rise in different locations every month - so if house prices in your local area are lower than normal, you shouldn't panic. But by completing a property valuation online it helps provide you with a foundation price point.
What are the next steps after my free online house valuation?
After receiving your free estimation you can request for one of our experienced estate agents from The Guild to visit your property and they can provide you with a more accurate house valuation.