Important information
Property Ref: 11072670_918940
House Type C1, Coolreaghs Manor, Cookstown
3 Bedroom Semi-Detached House | £202,950
Three bedroom semi detached property
3 Bedroom Detached Bungalow | Offers in excess of £199,950
House Type F, Gallion Glen, Moneymore Road, Cookstown
3 Bedroom Semi-Detached House | £199,950
House Type E, Coolreaghs Manor, Cookstown
3 Bedroom Semi-Detached House | £207,950
Dual fronted three bedroom semi detached property
House Type D1 (plus Study), Coolreaghs Manor, Cookstown
3 Bedroom Semi-Detached House | £207,950
Three bedroom plus study semi detached property
House Type D, Gallion Glen, Moneymore Road, Cookstown
3 Bedroom Semi-Detached House | £209,950
Stanley Best Estate Agents (Cookstown)
28 Oldtown Street, Cookstown, Tyrone, BT80 8EF
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