- Farm to let by tender
- Five year Farm Business Tenancy
- 166.9 Acres / 67.54 Hectares
- Newly built two bedroom house
- Range of outbuildings
- Newly built general purpose agricultural building
The Opportunity.
GFW LLP on behalf of Lartington Estates Ltd are pleased to offer a five year Farm Business Tenancy Agreement to new and young farming entrants for a five year term commencing May 2025. It is expected the new tenants will be looking for a farm start up and by the end of the five year term be better placed to apply for and gaining an alternative farm tenancy, developing a sustainable career for themselves in farming and making way for another young farming tenant. The prospective Tenants should therefore be aware that they will need to set out their exit strategy for when the five year term ends as the Tenancy will not be re-let to them at the end of the Term.
The Tenants will be required to live in a newly built two bedroom Stone Farmhouse known as Holmewood at Home Farm.
Home Farm consists of Pasture and Meadow land: as shown on the plan the land outlined in red amounts to 67.54 Ha (166.9 Ac) or thereabouts. Identified on the plan Lartington Hall Parkland amounts to 30.36 ha (75.04 acres) or thereabouts of permanent ridge and furrow grassland and is a Grade 11 Registered Park. All the farmland is registered with the Rural Payments Agency.
The land known as “Mayhew’s Meadow” amounting to 5.73 ha (14.16 acres) coloured blue on the Plan is a species rich grassland and should be farmed to retain its grass and wildflower species. For the Landlord to include Mayhew’s Meadow within the Farm Business Tenancy Agreement the prospective Tenants must include provisions & ideas for its management within their business plan.
Five Year Farm Business Tenancy Tender
A draft of the Farm Business Tenancy is available on request.
The Term: Five Years
First Day of the Term: 13th May 2025
The Last day of the Term: 12th May 2030
Rent to be tendered and agreed. Rent is payable monthly in equal instalments in advance.
Rent Review at year 3 in accordance with Part 11 of the Agricultural Tenancies Act 1995
Break Clause. Either the Landlord or the Tenants may bring the agreement to an end before the last day of the Term by giving to the other party 12 months notice in writing expiring on any anniversary of the date of the Agreement.
This is a grass farm - land is for grazing and mowing only.
The Landlord will be open to the tenant applying for the SFI and environmental schemes with agreement
The Tenants will use the Holding for agricultural purposes only however tenders may include diversification ideas which can be considered by the Landlord.
Sub-letting is prohibited.
The Tenants will be responsible for all outgoings i.e Council Tax, Water Rates, Gas, Electricity etc.
Buildings Insurance: payable by the Landlord
Maintenance & Repair - refer to draft farm Business Tenancy Schedule 4
Tenants will be responsible for maintenance of boundaries marked with an inward T mark on the tenancy plan.
Hedgerow management on existing hedges to produce wide, high, species rich hedges
Tenants must maintain soil at correct indices and pH
The land is unable to support winter grazing by cattle and no overwintering of livestock in buildings allowed.
No ring feeders will be permitted across the land.
Supplementary feeding only in the form of species rich hay.
Herbicide applications for control of invasive problem weeds permitted (nettles, docks, ragwort, spear thistle, creeping thistle) by weed wiper or spot treatment only.
No inorganic, organic fertiliser or slurry applications will be permitted.
The Landlord reserves the right to plant additional trees across the land with suitable guards for sheep & cattle and managed by
The Landlord. Trees, fallen & standing deadwood to be maintained in situ.
Tenants to report on the delivery of their business plan throughout the Term and to demonstrate that they continue to meet the Eligibility criteria as set out in Schedule 1.
The landlord is willing to provide a Mentor to assist the Tenants during their tenure particularly regarding their farming regime, repairs & maintenance, ensuring the Tenancy obligations are being met and help with working towards their exit strategy and
Future farming career.
When tendering the applicants should provide within their tender a brief business plan. This will be used for short-listing purposes.
You may include, but not limited to:
Farming History, background & experience including your skills & interests
Agricultural qualifications
Brief details of any existing holdings and current farm business
Brief proposals for environmental management
Brief proposals for your farming
Advice on funding
Why you consider you qualify and meet the eligibility criteria for the tenancy as a new entrant to farming.
Draft of The Five Year Business Tenancy requirement For Short Listed Applicants only
Shortlisted Applicants will be expected to attend interviews and provide a five year business plan which should include but not limited to:
A summary of grazing policies, what livestock would be proposed to run on the farm and stocking density. There are no restrictions on the breed of cattle & sheep but applications based on keeping native & traditional breeds will be viewed favourably.
Scale of business and how you will go about implementing that over the 5 year Term
Information as to ideas for diversification ventures for example stock other than sheep and cattle (noting this would need Landlord’s consent)
A budget spread sheet showing the business from year 1 to year 5. Please include in that any funding requirements and how you propose to raise such funding.
References: to include farming experience references, financial references & personal character references.
Important Information
Property Ref: BAC240257a
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